Created by KoolCactus on 9/22/2024 in #community-help
Loading Valorant = PC randomly freezing until restart
Whenver I laod valorant it runs fine for like 2 minutes until it starts freezing, from which my game will constantly freeze for multiple seconds on end until I close it. Then my pc will start to freeze and continue to do so until I restart it. I know this isn't an issue with my hardware because I'm able to play any other game without issue. I've updated all drivers, deleted and redownlaoded them all, fixed malfunctioning devices, updated bios, redownloaded and clean reinstalled valorant, deleted and reinstalled vanguard, and still the issue still persists only when I open valorant. If I don't my pc runs perfectly fine but once I do thats when the freezes start. https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050789953-Troubleshooting-Game-Crashes-in-VALORANT - This is the link that appeared in the error message that was suggested once my game crashed. "graphics driver crashed make sure your graphics drivers are up to date" appears as well whenver it crashes. This also started happening a week ago. Any help is appreciated.
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