•Created by wushuwashi on 2/23/2023 in #community-help
Transferring korean account to a different region
nope and in the mean time my account got locked and i dont have my korean phone number to verify snd unlock now because eim in the states
4 replies
•Created by cloudvial on 2/24/2023 in #community-help
what’s best budget mice
model o
5 replies
•Created by mich4s on 2/24/2023 in #community-help
do you mean past diamonds
18 replies
•Created by mich4s on 2/24/2023 in #community-help
send a screenshot of you as bronze in current dia lobbies bcz you cant
18 replies
•Created by yuu on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
Where i reedem the duality banner
i think its too late to geet
5 replies
•Created by ALEKXANDER on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
RGX Blade or Xenohunter Knife?
xeno hunter is more of a joke to me
its just funny bcz of how it moves
like the neptune vandal
24 replies
•Created by ALEKXANDER on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
RGX Blade or Xenohunter Knife?
feels better than xeno hunter
24 replies
•Created by ALEKXANDER on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
RGX Blade or Xenohunter Knife?
rgx better imo
24 replies
•Created by ALEKXANDER on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
RGX Blade or Xenohunter Knife?
ive got both
24 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
try this without the space beteween https and :
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=slHEB0AYZKo&feature=emb_title
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
its a 1:38 vid i cant post link
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
on youtube
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
try looking up rems guide
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
wait maybe not
9 replies
•Created by swiped on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
can someone help kme to setup true stretched correctly on me its not working
its bannable, i wouldn't risk it
9 replies
•Created by aki on 10/7/2022 in #community-help
I can help you with your issues
if it doesnt fix then its something else
1480 replies
•Created by aki on 10/7/2022 in #community-help
I can help you with your issues
i had that befoer andddd my pc was overheating for some reason
1480 replies
•Created by aki on 10/7/2022 in #community-help
I can help you with your issues
try playing with ur pc case cover off
1480 replies