Duplicate objects in a DB Query
no anybody can unlock the achievement (I just realized something I missed to tell you: This table isn't a good representation of how it would normally look since in a normal test we'd only have one entry for each achievement for the user)
32 replies
Duplicate objects in a DB Query
So we have a User table but the achievement id there is from a json file because they are managed by someone who isn't very familiar with dbs. So basically if a user triggers an event that would unlock an achievement, it will check the database if for that user, there already is an entry in this achievements table (which is also used to display a list of all achievements the user has unlocked)
32 replies
Determine the positions of nodes inside of a graph
Unfortunately I don't know any good references for this, I'm mostly just trying stuff. If you take a look at the links I provided, you'll probably find that the authors of these articles/papers used a similar data structure
28 replies
Determine the positions of nodes inside of a graph
The graph structure comes through how you build the references between instances of these classes. So your "On Component Begin Overlap (Box)" would be a ProductionStep instance that has in it's Children list the
and the "Branch" node as instances of ProductionStep. The ==
has in their Parents list the "On Component Begin Overlap (Box)" and "Get Player Pawn" and the "Branch" node as child and so on and so forth28 replies
Determine the positions of nodes inside of a graph
So in my code, the FactoryTree class looks like this:
And then the ProductionStep class looks like this (there are some more specific parts removed, but for the basic understanding this should be enough):
This is basically enough. If you have multiple inputs (so multiple parent nodes) you would replace
ProductionStep Parent
with List<ProductionStep> Parents
etc.28 replies
Determine the positions of nodes inside of a graph
I've found this blog post here:
Which seems to be enough for my understanding. I'm looking through the code right now and it looks like I can relatively easily adapt my current code to work with this implementation
28 replies