Created by RodF on 1/22/2024 in #help
I'm working to get secrets out of our source code, into Azure Key Vault.
I had been following a LinkedIn Learning course from some years ago, but I think the state of technology has moved on from when that course had been made. So, then I searched for something more up to date. I found an article in Microsoft Learn on how to configure Azure Key Vault to manage secrets. I downloaded the AspNetCore.Docs repo as a .zip file, expanded it and went to the KeyVaultConfigurationSample. Following along in the MS Learn doc I came across this sentence:
The Managed version of the sample must be deployed to Azure.
There is NO WAY that is going to happen, in my work environment. I doubt that there were be many apps that will be deployed to Azure. I'm just trying to get the secrets into Azure Key Vault, then all developers (including myself) can build locally and deploy to Intranet sites within our network. What do I need to do to make this work, with Azure Key Vault and websites within our domain? Here's the URL to the MS Learn course:
16 replies
Created by RodF on 10/13/2023 in #help
❔ Azure Identity client library or Microsoft Identity Platform?
I'm working on migrating our source code from an old on-prem TFS server, to an organization we have in GitHub. All of our code saved secrets in Web.Config or App.Config files. Going from on-prem to the GH, leaving secrets in plain text in those two file types, isn't going to cut it. I found a Visual Studio Toolbox video from November 16, 2021 on how to handle application secrets. The best solution given in that video, was to use Azure Service Authentication. However, I thought that since the video was from 2 years ago, Azure Service Authentication might have been replaced. It appears that I'm correct. But I'm confused, should we use Azure Identity Client library or Microsoft Identity Platform? Or are they the same thing?
2 replies