Max Forbang
Max Forbang
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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Max Forbang on 5/10/2023 in #questions
Anyone use Webstorm with the T3 Stack? Seems incompatible
I'm following the new T3 stack tutorial in Webstorm and I got stuck for a ~couple hours~ trying to resolve why types weren't being inferred in the simple example that comes with create-t3-app. In VS, when I hover over data you get exactly what you'd expect. However, when you hover over data in Webstorm you get the following type: const data: TProcedure["_def"]["_config"]["transformer"] extends DefaultDataTransformer ? Serialize<TProcedure["_def"]["_output_out"]> : TProcedure["_def"]["_output_out"] | undefined Has anyone been able to use TRPC / Typescript with Webstorm or is this a lost cause. Been following Theo for awhile and I was excited to use the T3 stack and I've been using Webstorm for the last year in my first job so I'd be disappointed if I had to switch back to VSCode but it's not the end of the world.
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Max Forbang on 5/8/2023 in #questions
Difference between Turbo and T3? When to use create-t3-turbo vs create-t3-app?
If create-t3-turbo is simply the T3 stack + mobile development, should I always just create-t3-turbo because it leaves open the possibility of making it a mobile app later on? If not, is there a way to easily add the mobile functionality to a codebase that uses the normal T3 Stack?
12 replies