Azure SWA Github Action failure
I have a static web app that I want to just serve an index.html, but my github action is failing with:
2025-01-01T07:49:26.9203515Z : The content server has rejected the request with: BadRequest
2025-01-01T07:49:26.9204633Z: Reason: No matching Static Web App was found or the api key was invalid.
However I've set my github repository secret AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN to the deployment token in my static web app. What else could be the problem?
My workflow file was taken from here - https://github.com/actions/starter-workflows/blob/main/deployments/azure-staticwebapp.yml
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Handling complete flow of asynchronous message in a single web request
I send data to an IBM MQ from a minimal api controller, but the code that picks it off the message queue is no where near the code that executes in the minimal api controller. The controller basically just initiates the message and returns ok if it put the message on the queue fine.
How can I also have the minimal api controller only send a response if the response to the message put succeeded? It would have to wait until my handler processed the message successfully, but how would i know if my handler did that from my minimal api controller?
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