Created by eli on 1/25/2025 in #help
ImageSharp slow asf for some reason
Webp encoding is currently slower since it’s currently lacking some intrinsics but that code you’ve written concerns me. The task thrashing and locking is going to yield poor benchmark accuracy. You need to compare like for like also. SkiaSharp will be doing a lower quality resize by default for example. Use BenchmarkDotNet and do proper benchmarks for each operation. Here’s a good example https://github.com/bleroy/core-imaging-playground p.s Webp is a terrible format. It’s massively slow to encode compared to jpeg and sacrifices size for quality.
23 replies
Created by onepiecefreak on 8/24/2024 in #help
ImageSharp Alpha overwrite
Bring your question to the repo discussion with a bit more detail and we can chat there.
2 replies
Created by kalebbroo on 7/14/2024 in #help
How to add a watermark to a GIF?
You don’t need to apply methods per frame. Simply mutate the image adding the watermark and the library will do it all for you.
2 replies
Created by mellowzippy on 1/29/2024 in #help
Having trouble understanding patterns
What’s wrong with how it works now?
254 replies