Created by H3C4 on 12/2/2024 in #help
Help to Resolve Timeout Issue While Updating 20,000 Records Using SQL Server and Entity Framework
Ok! Let me try using ExecuteUpdate
11 replies
Created by H3C4 on 12/2/2024 in #help
Help to Resolve Timeout Issue While Updating 20,000 Records Using SQL Server and Entity Framework
I setted 15 minutes for the timeout.
11 replies
Created by H3C4 on 12/2/2024 in #help
Help to Resolve Timeout Issue While Updating 20,000 Records Using SQL Server and Entity Framework
Okay, I'll provide more details shortly. In the meantime, here is the exception I'm encountering: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed before the operation could complete, or the server is not responding. Also, I'm batching the updates in groups of 100 records. My query looks something like this: List<string> updates = new(); // START LOOP { // Some logic before.... var updateQuery = @$" UPDATE dbo.SomeDatabase SET A = '{variable.A}', B = '{variable.B}', C = '{variable.C}', D = '{variable.D}', E = '{variable.E}', F = '{variable.F}', G = {(variable.G != null ? $"'{variable.G}'" : "NULL")}, H = {(variable.H != null ? $"'{variable.H}'" : "NULL")}, I = {(variable.I != null ? $"'{variable.I}'" : "NULL")}, J = {(variable.J != null ? $"'{variable.J}'" : "NULL")}, K = {(variable.K != null ? $"'{variable.K}'" : "NULL")} WHERE Id = {variable.Id}"; updates.Add(updateQuery); } // END LOOP int batchSize = 100; var totalRecords = updates.Count(); for(int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i += batchSize) { await _context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync( string.Join(";", updates.Skip(i).Take(batchSize))); Console.WriteLine($"Finished block {i}"); } But It hangs up every time during the batch 500 : (
11 replies
Created by H3C4 on 12/2/2024 in #help
Help to Resolve Timeout Issue While Updating 20,000 Records Using SQL Server and Entity Framework
How can I check that?
11 replies