Created by Rodersnow on 4/24/2024 in #help
Any suggenstion how to implement shopping cart feature?
How can I implement a shopping cart feature in my food delibery application, utilizing Vue.js for the frontend and .NET Web API for the backend, allowing authenticated users to add products to their carts?
3 replies
Created by Rodersnow on 4/8/2024 in #help
AuthController vs UserController
What are the distincations between the responsibilites of AuthController and UserController within our application, and which specific endpoints should be assigned to each controller? Examples would be greatly appreciated:)
2 replies
Created by Rodersnow on 2/26/2024 in #help
What to include in JWT token
What data should be include into the JWT token, and what should be avoided to ensure security? Currently, the token includes the username, role, iss, aud, and exp
3 replies
Created by Rodersnow on 2/26/2024 in #help
Avoid commit and push sensative infomation
What are best practices for securely storing sensitive strings or secrets within a project to prevent them from being committed to a GitHub repository by version control systems?
15 replies
Created by Rodersnow on 2/23/2024 in #help
Authentication error responses
What's the best way for ASP.NET Core Web Api to send authentication error responses to a frontend, so it' clear for users but still secure? Should I share more detail information to the frontend like: incorrect password, user already exist, etc. or should I send more general error response like: Registration fail due to invalid input
6 replies
Created by Rodersnow on 11/29/2023 in #help
Dotnet ef command
Good morning! I have a question about the dotnet ef commands. When ysing the dotnet ef remove-migration command, it removes the latest migration from the migration list. However, I'm curious to know if there's a way to remove or update a specific migration instead of just remove the latest one and create a new migration
25 replies