Created by cheekybuddha on 2/13/2024 in #help
How do I specify a MySQL index hint?
Thank you, and apologies for my impatience! Unfortunately the generated SQL in not correct (for MySQL), or at least I can't get it to work. With the example in your link:
const rows = await db
.selectFrom(sql<Person>`person use index foobar`.as('person'))
.innerJoin("pet", "owner_id", "")
.where("first_name", "=", sql.lit("Jennifer"))
.where("species", "=", 'cat')
.select(["first_name", " as pet_name"])
const rows = await db
.selectFrom(sql<Person>`person use index foobar`.as('person'))
.innerJoin("pet", "owner_id", "")
.where("first_name", "=", sql.lit("Jennifer"))
.where("species", "=", 'cat')
.select(["first_name", " as pet_name"])
`pet`.`name` AS `pet_name`
USE INDEX foobar AS `person`
INNER JOIN `pet` ON `owner_id` = `person`.`id`
`first_name` = 'Jennifer'
AND `species` = ?
`pet`.`name` AS `pet_name`
USE INDEX foobar AS `person`
INNER JOIN `pet` ON `owner_id` = `person`.`id`
`first_name` = 'Jennifer'
AND `species` = ?
however I think it needs to be:
-- ...
person AS `person`
USE INDEX (foobar)
-- ...
-- ...
person AS `person`
USE INDEX (foobar)
-- ...
I can add the parentheses in the sql`` call, but adding the alias in there too causes typescript to have a fit (No overload matches this call.) Am I missing something? TIA
5 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 2/13/2024 in #help
How do I specify a MySQL index hint?
OK, I guess this is not possible in kysely. I solved it by creating a view on the server, which makes the kysely code a lot simpler! Many thanks for a great bit of software!
5 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
Tried to add screenshots, but it failed. Will try again later.
19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
Actually, something is strange - returning .pool gets rid of the error, but it is not listed as a property in the intellisense. Like I said, I'm still new to typescript, so I don't know whether this is expected.
19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
OK, keep us posted - will be interesting to see what you discover. Thanks for this, and Kysely!! 👍
19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
Don't you love it when you search for the solution to a problem for a couple of days and find the answer immediately after posting asking for assistance!! 😖 😳 I have found the answer here: Turns out that createPool() does not return the pool - you have to access its pool property:
export const db = new Kysely<DB>({
dialect: new MysqlDialect({
pool: async () => createPool(mysqlPoolOpts).pool
// ^^^^^ reference .pool here!!!
export const db = new Kysely<DB>({
dialect: new MysqlDialect({
pool: async () => createPool(mysqlPoolOpts).pool
// ^^^^^ reference .pool here!!!
Thanks for looking in 👍
19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
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19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
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Full error:
Type '() => Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type 'MysqlPool | (() => Promise<MysqlPool>)'.
Type '() => Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type '() => Promise<MysqlPool>'.
Type 'Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<MysqlPool>'.
Type 'Pool' is not assignable to type 'MysqlPool'.
Types of property 'getConnection' are incompatible.
Type '(callback: (err: any, connection: PoolConnection) => any) => void' is not assignable to type '(callback: (error: unknown, connection: MysqlPoolConnection) => void) => void'.
Types of parameters 'callback' and 'callback' are incompatible.
Types of parameters 'connection' and 'connection' are incompatible.
Property 'query' is missing in type 'PoolConnection' but required in type 'MysqlPoolConnection'.ts(2322)
mysql-dialect-config.d.ts(34, 5): 'query' is declared here.
mysql-dialect-config.d.ts(15, 5): The expected type comes from property 'pool' which is declared here on type 'MysqlDialectConfig'
(property) MysqlDialectConfig.pool: MysqlPool | (() => Promise<MysqlPool>)
A mysql2 Pool instance or a function that returns one.

If a function is provided, it's called once when the first query is executed.
Type '() => Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type 'MysqlPool | (() => Promise<MysqlPool>)'.
Type '() => Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type '() => Promise<MysqlPool>'.
Type 'Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<MysqlPool>'.
Type 'Pool' is not assignable to type 'MysqlPool'.
Types of property 'getConnection' are incompatible.
Type '(callback: (err: any, connection: PoolConnection) => any) => void' is not assignable to type '(callback: (error: unknown, connection: MysqlPoolConnection) => void) => void'.
Types of parameters 'callback' and 'callback' are incompatible.
Types of parameters 'connection' and 'connection' are incompatible.
Property 'query' is missing in type 'PoolConnection' but required in type 'MysqlPoolConnection'.ts(2322)
mysql-dialect-config.d.ts(34, 5): 'query' is declared here.
mysql-dialect-config.d.ts(15, 5): The expected type comes from property 'pool' which is declared here on type 'MysqlDialectConfig'
(property) MysqlDialectConfig.pool: MysqlPool | (() => Promise<MysqlPool>)
A mysql2 Pool instance or a function that returns one.

If a function is provided, it's called once when the first query is executed.
19 replies
Created by cheekybuddha on 8/8/2023 in #help
Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool
My dependencies are:
$ pnpm ls --depth=0
Legend: production dependency, optional only, dev only

[email protected] /home/dm/Documents/websites/thdt_admin (PRIVATE)

@lucia-auth/adapter-mysql 2.0.0
kysely 0.26.1
lucia 2.0.0
mysql2 3.6.0

@csstools/postcss-global-data 2.0.1 eslint 8.46.0 postcss-preset-env 9.1.1 sveltekit-superforms 1.5.0
@sveltejs/adapter-auto 2.1.0 eslint-config-prettier 8.10.0 prettier 3.0.1 tslib 2.6.1
@sveltejs/kit 1.22.4 eslint-plugin-svelte 2.32.4 prettier-plugin-svelte 3.0.3 typescript 5.1.6
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.62.0 kysely-codegen 0.10.1 svelte 4.1.2 vite 4.4.9
@typescript-eslint/parser 5.62.0 postcss 8.4.27 svelte-check 3.4.6 zod 3.21.4
autoprefixer 10.4.14 postcss-csso 6.0.1 svelte-preprocess 5.0.4
$ pnpm ls --depth=0
Legend: production dependency, optional only, dev only

[email protected] /home/dm/Documents/websites/thdt_admin (PRIVATE)

@lucia-auth/adapter-mysql 2.0.0
kysely 0.26.1
lucia 2.0.0
mysql2 3.6.0

@csstools/postcss-global-data 2.0.1 eslint 8.46.0 postcss-preset-env 9.1.1 sveltekit-superforms 1.5.0
@sveltejs/adapter-auto 2.1.0 eslint-config-prettier 8.10.0 prettier 3.0.1 tslib 2.6.1
@sveltejs/kit 1.22.4 eslint-plugin-svelte 2.32.4 prettier-plugin-svelte 3.0.3 typescript 5.1.6
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.62.0 kysely-codegen 0.10.1 svelte 4.1.2 vite 4.4.9
@typescript-eslint/parser 5.62.0 postcss 8.4.27 svelte-check 3.4.6 zod 3.21.4
autoprefixer 10.4.14 postcss-csso 6.0.1 svelte-preprocess 5.0.4
I created the DB types using kysely-codegen:
$ npx kysely-codegen
Loaded environment variables from .env file.
No dialect specified. Assuming 'mysql'.
Introspecting database...
Introspected 29 tables and generated ./node_modules/kysely-codegen/dist/db.d.ts in 408ms.
$ npx kysely-codegen
Loaded environment variables from .env file.
No dialect specified. Assuming 'mysql'.
Introspecting database...
Introspected 29 tables and generated ./node_modules/kysely-codegen/dist/db.d.ts in 408ms.
I'm still very new with typescript - how can I get the type MysqlPool to map to Pool ? Or am I doing something else wrong? TIA for any assistance, d
19 replies