Created by Jaynix on 12/30/2023 in #help
Are there multiple types of compiled code? Can I get a simplified explanation of what it is?
I got confused when I read "intermediate language binary instruction" when reading the definition of Common intermediate Language. My view of compiled code in my head is exclusively it being binary. I don't think there are other types of compiled code, I thought (and please correct me if im wrong) compiled code is the most simplified version of code with the purpose of being able to be read by the machine, and when code gets compiled, it turns into binary. Are there different types of compiled code?
24 replies
Created by Jaynix on 12/19/2023 in #help
what is this .NET stuff, its kinda overwhelming
I thought it was a C# thing, (exclusively) but then I found of ASP.NET and other variants of .NET's existence. I just wanna know precisely what it is and what it does. I previously thought that programs just ran off of files and .dlls
18 replies