Created by Analista on 6/11/2024 in #questions
example of python code calling a mojo lib and its mojo code
I would like to give a try mojo a nd create a library in can use in python code. I would like to check if anyone has examples of doing this. Guess the python part is easy as it is going to be as any other library but i am interested on how to process ffi in mojo(cstrings etc)
2 replies
Created by Analista on 5/18/2024 in #questions
Logging and string formatting
Hello, I am building with mojo and wondering if there is any logger module out there or we can only print for now. On the other side I would like to check which are the string formatting options to be able to print variables mixed with messages etc. I tried .format() but I get an error that 'StringLiteral' value has no attribute 'format'
5 replies
Created by Analista on 5/13/2024 in #questions
How to read args from environment
Hi, I am trying to write a simple program where I would read args from terminal and print them. I found this function in the documentation but well...there is no documentation I am wondering how is people learning to code in mojo considering documentation is at this level
5 replies
Created by Analista on 5/11/2024 in #questions
what can I really do with mojo at the moment?
Hi, I have been following Mojo since release but still haven’t seen any project i could use. 1. We always see mojo is meant to be used for ai but as far as i know there is no pytorch/flux or similar. So how would i be able to train my goof vector to sequence model? What would be the real diff vs using pytorch with cuda? 2. I have another usecase where i build high speed libraries with rust that scan over hashmaps in memory and provide ms response. Would mojo allow me to do something similar?
5 replies