Complex deploy start commands don't work for me
Can't use complex instructions in Settings -> Deploy -> Start Command. I'm running a Django application using a Dockerfile for app build.
When I use something like
gunicorn app.wsgi --timeout 300
as a start command, it works perfectly fine.
But if I try this: python manage.py migrate && gunicorn english_exercises_app.wsgi --timeout 300
Then only the first part of the command (before &&) is executed. I tried using railway.json file for indicating the start command, but the issue still persists. This is true for any complex command I tried.
GitHub repo: https://github.com/tmvfb/english-exercises-app
Example deployment ID with the mentioned complex start command: 5ed77a3e-7573-477b-8b68-9ce06b239124
Deploy logs stop at this (i.e. completing python manage.py migrate
I've found several examples of railway deploy using complex start commands and didn't find any issues related to this. Is there something I am doing wrong?11 replies