TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by dylancam812 on 2/8/2024 in #questions
Will a dependency slow every page of a web app
I realized I have a lapse in my understanding of bundlers. Does bundling combine all the code together into one file or would it happen on a page by page basis. Ergo, would a big package/dependency like three.js slow down every page (even if only just a little) or will it only slow down the page in which it is imported and used. P.S. Now that I write it down I feel like it has to be page by page but still thought it’s worth asking to be sure
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by dylancam812 on 2/4/2024 in #questions
PlanetScale vs Turso
I've been looking into both PlanetScale and Turso recently and wanted to gauge their pros/cons. Turso on its face seems better in that it's faster and cheaper, beyond that I don't know much. I was planning on using create-t3-app as a base for a new project and PlanetScale is built in, but I have no knowledge of why that design decision was made. Is it a developer experience thing? My specific use case is a job board app, but even just in general what are the main motivators in choosing one over another? Thanks
6 replies