✅ switching from .net framework to 2.0 standard Library, dependencies problem?
I did switch a previously .net Framework 4.8 project to 2.0, but seems like the upgrade assistant in visual studio did not care about the required nugets.
its telling to missing simple system or microsoft dependencys wich has been imported as .dll from the framework from the computer itself. The upgrade assistant did include the nuget for the standardlibrary, I did add the Compartiblity nuget and the PresentationFramework.dll (to be able to show some information messagedialogs if needed) from device, but seems like that is not enough.
Can someone tell me, which imports are recommendable and maybe missing in my list? the data types are quite simple and the compiler before build is not showing an issue, so I do not know which part could cause this... sorry. hopefully anyone can name some general packages to try out? its on windows target if important
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DropDownButton.Flyout.FlyoutItem Click Handling Help needed
I want to call a dummy ContentDialog from the named FlyoutItem and since it collapse on click there is most liky trown this fail from gestureRecognizer and ScrollContentPresenter thrown so I would like you to give me example on how do you would call a simple ContentDialog from that... For me it seems irrelevant if that thing collapse, but I am not able to catch this...
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