TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by matewilk on 4/5/2023 in #questions
trpc and event streams
As the title says really, I'm looking to implement my own chat gpt (surprise surprise) and I'd like it to write the response into UI in chunks. Has anyone found a nice solution, does trpc supports streams (as far as I know it's not really possible) I could replace it with WebSocket but I'd prefer Event Streams. Any tips would be much appreciated
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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by matewilk on 11/26/2022 in #questions
Support for ESM 3rd party npm modules
Hi all, I'm between a rock and a hard place. I've created my app using: - t3-stack: v6.2.1 - Next.js: v12.3.1 - jest: v23.3.1 I've followed the Next.js docs on the jest setup (with the Rust Compiler) I also included (React Hooks for Ethereum) to my project, so far all great and dandy until I started testing my components. In one of my test files I had to create a mocked wagmi client so I had to import a few packages from wagmi to my test file like so: import { Client, createClient, WagmiConfig, useConnect } from "wagmi"; And then I run the test: So the first issue I've come across was the classic:
.../node_modules/wagmi/dist/index.js:2 import { createSyncStoragePersister } from "@tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister"; ^^^^^^ SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
I tried multiple different options in the jest.config.js file like filters and transformIgnorePatters but nothing helped with transforming the wagmi esm enabled library. I went to the jest docs and started reading - I can fix it using the ECMAScript Modules support I ended up adding extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [".ts", ".tsx"] to my jest.config.js file and now I can just use my test with nodejs flag: NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules npx jest -- src/__tests__/Wallet.test.tsx Everything works, amazing! Few days goes by and I need to mock a hook! I go to jest docs again and read on how to mock modules in ESM mode. Nope, I can't mock hooks! Tried million different setups. Ok, so I go back to my original setup without ESM support. Yes! Now I can mock hooks! Yay! Not so fast, now I'm back at square one, because I can't imoprt wagmi since it's ESM enabled. So how do I import ES modules 3rd party libs ?
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