EFPElfHosted / Funky Penguin
Created by Kōrudo on 7/10/2024 in #🙋┆geek-support
Can't get External DNS to work when following the guide
The message when I use flux get kustomization for external-dns is health check failed after 99.712038ms: failed early due to stalled resources: [HelmRelease/external-dns/external-dns status: 'Failed']. And the logs are always:
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Instantiating new Kubernetes client"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Using inCluster-config based on serviceaccount-token"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Created Kubernetes client"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=fatal msg="error listing resources in GroupVersion \"externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1\": the server could not find the requested resource"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Instantiating new Kubernetes client"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Using inCluster-config based on serviceaccount-token"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=info msg="Created Kubernetes client"
time="2024-07-10T19:04:13Z" level=fatal msg="error listing resources in GroupVersion \"externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1\": the server could not find the requested resource"
The CRD config is as follows:
## @param crd.create Install and use the integrated DNSEndpoint CRD
create: true
## @param crd.apiversion Sets the API version for the CRD to watch
apiversion: "externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1"
## @param crd.kind Sets the kind for the CRD to watch
kind: ""
## @param crd.create Install and use the integrated DNSEndpoint CRD
create: true
## @param crd.apiversion Sets the API version for the CRD to watch
apiversion: "externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1"
## @param crd.kind Sets the kind for the CRD to watch
kind: ""
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