Nuntius Mortis
Nuntius Mortis
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cursed Idol on 11/17/2023 in #questions
Should I finish my non tech degree?
Btw I answered as if you've already quit your job, so a word of advice there: Even if you decide not to go to school, get out of that job! Maybe search for a new one before quitting to try to have a leg up on salary negotiation, but if that's not going anywhere just quit whenever it's safe to do so. You want to be able to do the job (coding) in the long run, no use in burning out early on, trust me.
7 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by natef on 11/15/2023 in #questions
📆 Seeking Best Practices for E2E Testing with Time-Sensitive Web Apps
I'm unsure what you mean by "synchronizing the time" and not sharing the same clock? If we're talking about timezones and alike then the tests failing might be indicative of your app not working properly for those use cases in which case it is a good thing that the tests are failing.
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cursed Idol on 11/17/2023 in #questions
Should I finish my non tech degree?
I'm gonna assume that the main cost here is time spent on a degree in which case the main question should be are you passionate about biology? If it's a field you don't wanna ever touch anymore than no use burning yourself even further, but if it is something you're genuinely interested in I'd say go for it since it is only one year and as you said now is the ideal opportunity. Along, with the facts you presented keep in mind that going in a new job burnt out is not a good idea, and the tech job market may be a little bit smaller at the moment (depends where you are, but a lot of tech companies have reduced hiring, at least in US and Europe). Therefore, time wise you will not be missing out on much for doing something else one semester. It may not bring you any benefit in tech (unless you land in a biology related project, and in some cases having a degree can be a minor plus when resume filtering), but it does sound like an opportunity you might regret not taking. I will add that if it comes with an additional monetary cost, you need to way your options more carefully. I can't offer much info on that perspective as this is not an issue in my part of the world (higher education is cheap or basically free) so I'm unfamiliar how to handle such situations.
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