Wpf frame navigation automatically makes the path smaller
public void frameNavigation(string url)
string path = "";
if (url == "startup")
path = "Pages/Optimizations/startupManagementPage.xaml";
else if (url == "unusedM")
path = "Pages/Optimizations/unusedMemoryPage.xaml";
framePage.Navigate(new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative));
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show($"Navigation error: {ex.Message}");
This is a method added to my settings window. Now, as seen in the other code, I open the settings window and then call the frameNavigation method.
private void startupAppsManagement_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
pageWindow pw = new pageWindow();
private void unusedMemory_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
pageWindow pw = new pageWindow();
Normally, there seems to be no problem, but when I try to perform frame navigation, the entire path becomes smaller as if I applied the strings.lower method during the frame navigation process. Also, there is no problem with the path or url data and I am sure that I wrote the page locations correctly.
I tried many methods and finally defined a string data called path. However, it still makes the url or path smaller
Thanks in advance:visualstudio:1 replies