Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
Perfect thanks for the help Brody! 🙂
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
thanks already giving it a try! Just one more question, when using the private url for the database, does the name for the env variable on the nextjs app matters? I mean would I have to set it to "DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL" or can I leave it as it is "DATABASE_URL" an just change the value?
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
thanks for the tip, I'll definitely give it a try, don't wanna bother but could you provide some basic help on how to do it?
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
got it, thanks Brody, so just to make it clear, even if the app was more efficient is terms of memory usage, it would never go to sleep anyway right? Cause now that you mention it is runnin 24/7 then iI think i had a misconception about how it works, i thought when it was not being used the memory should go back to a lower level, but then the behaviour I'm getting is just the expected one right? 🙂
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
but no, nothing cache related
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
not really no, I actually stopped using the optimized images and stuff, I'm only using getstaticpaths during build time
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
is it normal that the memory usage stays consistent even when not using or is it something that definitely shouldn't happen?
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
hello, I'm using the default next start command : "start": "next start"
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 4/4/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage even when not using nextjs app
24 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 3/23/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage on hobby deploy
Ooooo interesting, yeah I'll have a look on that then, thanks! 🙂
12 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 3/23/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage on hobby deploy
I am using cloudinary for serving the images
12 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 3/23/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage on hobby deploy
Thanks Brody that clears up my doubt! 🙂 also this is not exactly related to the thread but do you know if image catching works correctly on railway? I am well aware it probably has nothing to do with railway but with my nextjs app, but my images don't seem to be being cached when I use the app from other devices cause it takes some time to load them. 😶 Yeah also kinda new to nextjs hehe.
12 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 3/23/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage on hobby deploy
Well it's not really that I'm interested in it to use the 8gb of memory, I am just not sure if the project is taking into account all the memory available or if there's any setting related to this that I need to tweak.
12 replies
Created by ivano.cs89 on 3/23/2024 in #✋|help
Memory usage on hobby deploy
12 replies