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DTDrizzle Team
Created by saM69420 on 10/5/2023 in #help
Creating a Case-Insensitive Unique Index
I can create a blank migration and add the constraint myself
drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom
drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_username_unique ON public.users USING btree (LOWER(username)) NULLS NOT DISTINCT;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_username_unique ON public.users USING btree (LOWER(username)) NULLS NOT DISTINCT;
It works exactly as I expect: "sam", "Sam", and "saM" all have the same index. I can add this constraint in drizzle, but drizzle-kit ignores where and using:
export const users = pgTable("users", {
username: varchar("username", { length: 30 }).notNull(),
}, (table) => {
return {
usernameIdx: uniqueIndex("username_unique_idx").on(table.username).using(sql`btree (LOWER(username))`).where(sql` NULLS NOT DISTINCT`),
export const users = pgTable("users", {
username: varchar("username", { length: 30 }).notNull(),
}, (table) => {
return {
usernameIdx: uniqueIndex("username_unique_idx").on(table.username).using(sql`btree (LOWER(username))`).where(sql` NULLS NOT DISTINCT`),
So that only makes a normal unique constraint. I'm curious to know if my approach of creating a case-insensitive unique Index is a good one. And if this is, or will be, possible using drizzle. I honestly don't mind making custom migrations for cases like this and adding check constraints -- but when my dev flow involves prototyping and pushing...
8 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Jökull Sólberg on 5/25/2023 in #help
Simulate enums with SQLite `CHECK()`
sqlite has an enum option on the text type that does everything except adding the CHECK constraint. it's in the old docs just not the new ones but no runtime checks, but it plays nice with drizzle-zod
12 replies