JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
also thank to you and thank your for your time
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
awesome thanks man REALLY appreciate your help and time
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
omg it worked
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
no request to /dashboard has cookie info
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
should it or do i need new Cookie?
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
public class AppUserService implements OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> {
private final DefaultOAuth2UserService defaultService = new DefaultOAuth2UserService();

Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppUserService.class);

public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) throws OAuth2AuthenticationException {
OAuth2User originalUser = defaultService.loadUser(userRequest);
Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>(originalUser.getAuthorities());

if(originalUser.getAttribute("id").toString().equals("11550140")) {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN"));"User: " + originalUser.getAttributes().get("login") + " logged in with role ROLE_ADMIN");
} else {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));"User: " + originalUser.getAttributes().get("login") + " logged in with role ROLE_USER");

return new DefaultOAuth2User(authorities, originalUser.getAttributes(), "id");
public class AppUserService implements OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> {
private final DefaultOAuth2UserService defaultService = new DefaultOAuth2UserService();

Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppUserService.class);

public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) throws OAuth2AuthenticationException {
OAuth2User originalUser = defaultService.loadUser(userRequest);
Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>(originalUser.getAuthorities());

if(originalUser.getAttribute("id").toString().equals("11550140")) {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN"));"User: " + originalUser.getAttributes().get("login") + " logged in with role ROLE_ADMIN");
} else {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));"User: " + originalUser.getAttributes().get("login") + " logged in with role ROLE_USER");

return new DefaultOAuth2User(authorities, originalUser.getAttributes(), "id");
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
public class SecurityConfig {

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.authorizeHttpRequests(authz -> authz
.requestMatchers("/styles/**", "/js/**").permitAll()
.csrf(csrf -> csrf.csrfTokenRepository(CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse()))
.oauth2Login(oauth2 -> oauth2
info -> info.userService(new AppUserService())
.defaultSuccessUrl("/dashboard", true))



public class SecurityConfig {

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.authorizeHttpRequests(authz -> authz
.requestMatchers("/styles/**", "/js/**").permitAll()
.csrf(csrf -> csrf.csrfTokenRepository(CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse()))
.oauth2Login(oauth2 -> oauth2
info -> info.userService(new AppUserService())
.defaultSuccessUrl("/dashboard", true))



222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
yes @GetMapping("/dashboard") public String index(Model model) { model.addAttribute("activeModulList", modulService.findByActiveStatus(true)); model.addAttribute("deactivatedModulList", modulService.findByActiveStatus(false)); return "home"; }
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
yes with oath2
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
user must first log in to see /dashboard
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
and the server sends it because spring security is on and this: .csrf(csrf -> csrf.csrfTokenRepository(CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse()))
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
what if i just generate a iput hidden with the token in the get request?
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
No description
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
all following request dont have a token?
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
No description
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
only at the first time
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
but only at the second time
222 replies
JCHJava Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Created by Suika on 2/18/2025 in #java-help
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
then i get a token
222 replies