Created by Kasper on 4/24/2023 in #help
❔ asp.net strongly typed form
Hello I’m working in asp.net and I have created a form to sign up for a event , for the event I need to make it so one person can sign up mutiple people and needs to fill in some info about each person how would I be go about this I’m working in asp.net mvc 7.0
2 replies
Created by Kasper on 3/18/2023 in #help
Hello for a project in asp.net i recieve a callback from a exteral api for payments, i'm alreasy handeling extracting the kid field and getting the correct JWK the JWT does have the body part as they send that in the body of the http post to my api controller, Im not sure on how to handel checking if the JWT is vallid. i Recieved this piece of sample code of them but not sure on how to use that in my project
3 replies
Created by Kasper on 2/25/2023 in #help
hello i've got a callback with a JWS signature how would i add a new controller to the site to handle this post request and check if its a valid signature? the link to the api that sends the callback is "https://developer.payconiq.com/online-payments-dock/#the-callback-signature" any help would be appreciated.
5 replies
Created by Kasper on 2/4/2023 in #help
❔ Use a Web server with asp.net or not
hey would you all recommend using something like nginx or Apache for a asp.net site I'm currently using the remote development addon in vs code but would like the site to be open to the public for callbacks from API's im currently using the --urls flag when using dotnet run but am wondering if a web server would work better. if doing so do i need to edit the launchsetting.json . i'd also like to add a ssl certificate to my project
2 replies
Created by Kasper on 2/2/2023 in #help
Hey does anyone know if I would need nginx for remote development on a ubuntu server from my windows laptop? Also does anyone have any experience or know how this work flow would work is the first time doing something like this already have my db and asp.net dotnet installed on the server. Would i also be able to use a domain to recieve callbacks from api's
24 replies
Created by Kasper on 1/18/2023 in #help
❔ ticket generator
Hey for a school project of mine I need to create a tool that lets people sign up for and event and needs to mail a pdf with a barcode to the person does anyone know of any library that could help with? Preferable something that’s is free or as cheap as possible as this is going to a non profit company
8 replies
Created by Kasper on 12/17/2022 in #help
❔ ml.net email
Hey I’m trying to train an ai to recognise emails and was wondering how the best way is to get training data for situations like this
2 replies
Created by Kasper on 10/5/2022 in #help
Xaml site
Hey is there any way that I could make a website with xaml with and c# and a sort of Mvvm model?
2 replies