Ted Bunny
Ted Bunny
Created by Ted Bunny on 3/12/2023 in #help
Batch script issue with spaces in strings
The script:
REM This script copies your project's outputs into the game folders. Then it runs the game executable.

ECHO " --- Defining directories"
SET destinationBepinex="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Streets of Rogue\BepInEx\"
SET destinationPlugins="%destinationBepinex%plugins\"
SET originPlugins=%cd%\

ECHO " --- Defining series"
SET exportsPlugins=CCU.dll

ECHO " --- Copying files"
FOR %%a IN (%exportsPlugins%) DO (XCOPY /s /y "%originPlugins%%%~a" %destinationPlugins%)

ECHO " --- Running game"
SET executable="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Streets of Rogue\StreetsOfRogue.exe"
CALL "" "%executable%"
REM This script copies your project's outputs into the game folders. Then it runs the game executable.

ECHO " --- Defining directories"
SET destinationBepinex="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Streets of Rogue\BepInEx\"
SET destinationPlugins="%destinationBepinex%plugins\"
SET originPlugins=%cd%\

ECHO " --- Defining series"
SET exportsPlugins=CCU.dll

ECHO " --- Copying files"
FOR %%a IN (%exportsPlugins%) DO (XCOPY /s /y "%originPlugins%%%~a" %destinationPlugins%)

ECHO " --- Running game"
SET executable="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Streets of Rogue\StreetsOfRogue.exe"
CALL "" "%executable%"
1> "======= POST-BUILD"
1> " --- Defining directories"
1> " --- Defining series"
1> " --- Copying files"
1> \Steam\steamapps\common\Streets was unexpected at this time.
1> "======= POST-BUILD"
1> " --- Defining directories"
1> " --- Defining series"
1> " --- Copying files"
1> \Steam\steamapps\common\Streets was unexpected at this time.
7 replies
Created by Ted Bunny on 9/16/2022 in #help
Type as Parameter, and string[] from Linq
private static string[] GetRolls(AgentHitbox agentHitbox, Type type) =>
agentHitbox.agent.GetTraits<type>().Select(t => t.Rolls);
private static string[] GetRolls(AgentHitbox agentHitbox, Type type) =>
agentHitbox.agent.GetTraits<type>().Select(t => t.Rolls);
1. How can I use type this way? Typeof(type) didn't work either. 2. Rolls is a string[]. I need to concatenate it from the series but I haven't done that in Linq before. How do?
10 replies
Created by Ted Bunny on 9/14/2022 in #help
CS0229 false positive?
8 replies
Created by Ted Bunny on 9/14/2022 in #help
Post-build batch command help
Modding a game. I have a post-build event that runs the game, which opens the game itself plus a logging console. I'd like to automate the two windows to snap to my right and left monitors. How can I do that?
1 replies
Created by Ted Bunny on 8/23/2022 in #help
Abstract List of KeyValuePairs
public abstract List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> inventory;
public abstract List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> inventory;
It says I can't do this with a field, and to try a property instead. Doing that doesn't resolve it. I've never received this message when declaring an abstract variable. Any suggestions?
15 replies