✅ Console Readline accepting empty value.
Hi all,
I'm trying to set console readline to not accept empty value (""). However, I've tried a bunch of different options and I still get "System.FormatException: 'The input string '' was not in a correct format.'
Here is my code
Ideally the goal was to make a loop that displays a message stating that a number needs to be entered.
10 replies
❔ Console.ReadLine != null
Hi all,
I'm went trough this Microsoft challenge (unsuccessfully) and after reviewing this solution I'm trying to understand what the purpose is of:
Upon testing I can see that the code works exactly the same that being commented out. Here is the full program.
13 replies
❔ Microsoft learn challenges
Is it normal to really struggle with the MS C# challenges? I've spent more than 7-8 hours all together to figure challenges in this section https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/csharp-do-while/ and I still managed to fail. Even with the research.
11 replies