TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Manshul on 11/21/2023 in #questions
Calling API based on the returned response
So I am trying a challenge that I got a month ago:
I first need to make a post request at this endpoint in order to receive an ID this is the res structure
id: 'fSkslN++h0BGxtMwlS/OB+OZW+NaIfLqP7dpM0+Zj+WNipwKJMSJJO2wAq4JI5Zs',
actives_at: 1700583237548,
called_at: 1700583236759,
total_diff: 0
id: 'fSkslN++h0BGxtMwlS/OB+OZW+NaIfLqP7dpM0+Zj+WNipwKJMSJJO2wAq4JI5Zs',
actives_at: 1700583237548,
called_at: 1700583236759,
total_diff: 0
2) I then need to use the ID by passing it inside the header as "X-Challenge-Id": {passing the id I got as a response here} on this endpoint
the method is set to PUT this time and send a request to this endpoint at the scheduled invocation time. 3)Then I need to make the calls again and again till total_diff here reaches more than 500ms 4) upon performing this all correctly the res given is changed to something like this
"result": {
"attempts": 100,
"url": "/xxxxxxxx"

"result": {
"attempts": 100,
"url": "/xxxxxxxx"

now I am confused since in my case after I pass in the id as a header and then call the endpoint it is only able to make the call 2 or 1 times which results in the challenge failing and the URL being returned as undefined however, My friend was able to make then 2000 calls? can someone help?
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Manshul on 9/29/2023 in #questions
vercel deployment failed so basically just trying to deploy my new portfolio but the deployment is failing with an Error occurred prerendering page "/". i dunno why this is happenning even after reading the documentation
36 replies