Created by Badran on 3/19/2023 in #community-help
Network issue & Packet Loss ONLY WHEN MOVING.
Problem : whenever I'm InGame, the match start, my ping would be stable around 60-70-80 parallel with my Packet Loss which is stable at 0%. But Whenever i move (I press W) Or I get confronted by enemy, my ping starts to jump towards 200-300 and Packet Loss goes up to 20%. Making my game Laggy And Stuttery. And the cycle repeats, it goes back to normal ping when i stop moving or get killed then goes back high when i try moving, continuously. What I tried to do, but nothing seemed to work : I tried making my fps stable at 250, maybe it would be that reason, but no, i tried contacting my ISP provider 5x times, each time, he tried fixing something, changing DNS, doing some modern configuration, nothing seemed to work, I also did some firewall thing enabling the game, it didn't work, added GOOGLE DNS in my IPV4, also didn't work, Flushed my DNS, again... Nothing works. Comparison : Its weird because I'm facing this issue only in valorant, as for in any other games, my ping and my packet loss are stables, and no lags. Attachment : You can find all my logs with the Tracert 2x times. For which in the tracert log, a packet loss was highly seen couple of times. I'm awaiting your support, thank you
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