Created by ~/qudo on 6/26/2024 in #✋|help
New Builder User Group Issue
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Created by ~/qudo on 6/23/2024 in #✋|help
pnpm cacheid & Docker
Is there a way to make this cache ID dynamic per environment? Noticed this thread that said it's not possible. But does this mean I need a separate Dockerfile for each env where the only difference is the cache ID? thanks https://help.railway.app/questions/cache-mount-id-is-not-prefixed-with-cach-fcaed775
32 replies
Created by ~/qudo on 3/6/2024 in #✋|help
Setup Cloudflare Proxy
1. Clicked "custom domain". 2. Railway pops up a CNAME for me to add to Cloudflare. 3. Add CNAME record to Cloudflare. 4. Railway says "Cloudflare proxy detected" indicating it knows about the DNS change. 5. Test out domain and its dead, returns a 522. 6. Go back to Railway and test if generating a domain works. 7. It does. Generated domains work, so I know the app is serving correctly. Railway says it detects cloudflare DNS but Cloudflare is giving me 522s.
37 replies
Created by ~/qudo on 1/14/2024 in #✋|help
File storage?
On the Railway site I am seeing stats for CPU, RAM, bandwidth, but not available storage. Can we store files in the local fs?
8 replies