[AVALONIA] Polylines not displaying on Canvas
its algood tho. I knew this wouldnt be easy at all. I just needed a way to keep my software skills fresh because I havent had any use for them since leaving study and covid forcing me to choose a different path of work
69 replies
[AVALONIA] Polylines not displaying on Canvas
The basics of what I need from this specific part of the application are just Lines drawn onto the UI that I can change the look of (size, length etc) and also apply a sort of "collision detection" to. Best way to describe the need for the "collision detection" is if you think of a volume slider how it follows a path, now make that path able to change to a diagonal or whichever direction it needs to go to follow the "track"
69 replies
[AVALONIA] Polylines not displaying on Canvas
i dont necessarily need to have these controls be interacted with. its purely just a line that needs to be on the ui, everything logic and interaction wise can pretty much be done seperately from the lines that are drawn on
69 replies