Created by 𝑀𝒥’ on 6/26/2024 in #community-help
UPI option removed
Is the UPI option back in new act 9 ? I need that to purchase vp
2 replies
Created by 𝑀𝒥’ on 6/26/2024 in #community-help
UPI option removed from game
Why did they remove the UPI option (India) to purchase. Think it was so much easier to do, and paypal never works here. Is it coming back?
2 replies
Created by 𝑀𝒥’ on 5/30/2024 in #community-help
latency issue urgent
I'm getting my render latency like 700k no joke .how do I fix this ..I think I messed up with a setting but don't remember which one... it's supposed to be under 5ms and I'm getting 700k ms it's wild.. anyone knows the solution?
5 replies