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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Rename on 3/26/2024 in #general-help
Protecting Windows RD connection with Cloudflare?
I have a server running on I can use Remote Desktop to connect to it using the IP and the windows account credentials. Is there a way to limit IPs which can connect to that Remote Desktop using CloudFlare? I've been looking at Zero Trust but can't figure out how to set it up. what I tried so far: Running Cloudflared on the server and setting up a tunnel. I'm new to this and this would be my first time doing this so my tunnel setup might've been incorrect also. what I want is not to be able to use a domain to connect to the RD but to secure the connecting through cloudflare when connecting using the server IP.
6 replies
Created by Rename on 2/14/2024 in #help
Bad Request for URL containing token route on server
I have this endpoint: [HttpGet("setup-account/{token}")] public IActionResult SetupAccountPassword([FromRoute] string token, [FromQuery] string email) { //manually decode because route parameters do not get automatically decoded. token = Base64UrlEncoder.Decode(token); return View("ResetPassword", new ResetPasswordViewModel(email, token)); } I open it from an email link such as: https://localhost:5001/auth/setup-account/Q2ZESjhDT3ZWdEtLK0FSSHBaV09tNG5Lem1wTXpWcjF0MmV5ZWF5Z1ZYZkNsS3licVBFV3k5VlFOc2I2VEN5TmF5anNLV0hyck15eEpNb21zMis1cG9UME1FUkw4V2hwWFVXRVlWcnkrNlhzYUoyK0QwcW1mdzNJUHNERlFaR3FjRWxzQ2loamVBTEpTM1ZLWHROaTVDd2l0djRGTGdvc013SHFOMWQveFBLREVoNDNGQ3pPV1plcXlEa2ZydjBWRjkyNjl3PT0? this link works properly on localhost but it doesn't once I publish the website to a server and access it from the domain, in that case I get 400 Bad Request error Invalid URL any idea?
73 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Rename on 10/24/2023 in #general-help
Cloudflare calling non-existing endpoints
Hi, I have a website on Cloudflare which is getting quite a few errors. the errors are non-existing URL related and the IPs seem to be Cloudflare. some examples of the URLs being called are: I'm not that familiar with Cloudflare, so I'm wondering if these actually are from cloudflare and if so, what could I do in order to stop such errors coming in.
6 replies