Created by TurboGlitch on 2/27/2024 in #community-help
Discord interfering
whenever im playing valorant, if my discord is open in the background, i get fps drops and input delay this wasnt a problem before what do i do to discord so it doesnt do this im mostly on call with friends while playing val with them but then i have to close it what do i do?
14 replies
Created by TurboGlitch on 2/24/2024 in #community-help
extreme fps drops
Yesterday i was playing a ranked game and the first half of the match my game was unplayable. Like i was dropping to 50 fps and gamelatency would go to 30ms After the first half i checked the task manager and i think cpu usage is causing the problem I restarted discord, and idk why but there are some apps running in the background using cpu like the windows antimalware thing and windows stuff like that Any way i can reduce the cpu usage? Ty
18 replies
Created by TurboGlitch on 2/23/2024 in #community-help
Input Lag-Help.
Since the Episode 8 update im having input delay in my game. sometimes, all of a sudden my game just starts having delay and i keep moving without pressing any key. then i have to wait for a few seconds for it to get normal. i decreased the resolution which reduced the delay but its still there. any fix that i can use. the game ran okay before 2024. ty
8 replies
Created by TurboGlitch on 2/17/2024 in #community-help
Improving my aim..
Recently i got to know that crouching is not good for u while shooting, so in unbinded my crouch button from l ctrl to N for now. so for how long should i keep my crouch button unbinded and what other things should i practice or do to make my aim better. i should not say this but i play on bed on a laptop sorry for the long passage, ty 🙂
57 replies