Created by iskander on 12/28/2024 in #help
✅ how should I deal with common/similar data types between the backend and front?
so i have two projects, one for my backend and the other for the front. now i have this ShopItemDTO in the backend and a very similar ShopItem class for the front. how
namespace BuyMe.ServiceAPI.Models
public class ShopItemDTO
public string? Title { get; set; }
public float Rating { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool IsOnSale { get; set; }

public ShopItemDTO() { }
//ShopItem is unique to the ServiceAPI
//it has the GUID of the seller that we dont want to share
public ShopItemDTO(ShopItem ShopItem) =>
(Title, Rating, Price, Id, IsOnSale) = (ShopItem.Title, ShopItem.Rating, ShopItem.Price, ShopItem.Id, ShopItem.IsOnSale);
namespace BuyMe.ServiceAPI.Models
public class ShopItemDTO
public string? Title { get; set; }
public float Rating { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool IsOnSale { get; set; }

public ShopItemDTO() { }
//ShopItem is unique to the ServiceAPI
//it has the GUID of the seller that we dont want to share
public ShopItemDTO(ShopItem ShopItem) =>
(Title, Rating, Price, Id, IsOnSale) = (ShopItem.Title, ShopItem.Rating, ShopItem.Price, ShopItem.Id, ShopItem.IsOnSale);

namespace BuyMe.Models;

public class ShopItem_Front()
public string? Title { get; set; }
public float Rating {get; set;}
public int Price { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool IsOnSale { get; set; }

namespace BuyMe.Models;

public class ShopItem_Front()
public string? Title { get; set; }
public float Rating {get; set;}
public int Price { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool IsOnSale { get; set; }
now im still early in the project so the class will probably have stuff added/removed from it and it be tedious to just reflect the changes from both classes. i was thinking i could maybe make the ShopItemDTO shared between the front and backend? but not sure if that would result in any security concerns? or some other problem that i dont know of 😅
12 replies
Created by iskander on 12/26/2024 in #help
best approach to handle a nested Scrolling views
No description
1 replies
Created by iskander on 1/19/2024 in #help
✅ (Avalonia) i dont get data binding
so im following the official tutorial on how to make a simple to-do app with avalonia. everything is fine and dandy but for whatever reason, trying to add a data context doesnt display my hardcoded values i set!
<Window //boiler plate stuff
Title="Iskander's great and grand TO-DO list">

<Views:ToDoListView DataContext="{Binding ToDoList}"/>

<Window //boiler plate stuff
Title="Iskander's great and grand TO-DO list">

<Views:ToDoListView DataContext="{Binding ToDoList}"/>

7 replies
Created by iskander on 11/16/2023 in #help
adding an element to a VerticalStackLayout in c# doesnt work as expected
hi! so i wanted to add a visual element (in my case a ContentView) to a VerticalStackLayout that i declared in the xaml file and exposed it via x:Name="Stack" i tried doing Stack.Add(MyView) in the cs file, it did add it, i checked the "count" variable in the stack and it did increment but it is not visible. when i resize the window the elements pops into existence. obviously i'd love it if it did render without needing to resize 😅
2 replies
Created by iskander on 8/8/2023 in #help
✅ TcpClient is connected to TcpListener but TcpListener isn't connected...
so this is how i accept clients which passes through with no issues. i've made to sure to catch any errors that could result from function and none is thrown...
public static async Task<bool> AcceptClient(CancellationToken Token)
if (!IsServer())
return false;
TcpClient JoinedClient = await Server.AcceptTcpClientAsync(Token);

if (JoinedClient != null)
return true;
return false;
public static async Task<bool> AcceptClient(CancellationToken Token)
if (!IsServer())
return false;
TcpClient JoinedClient = await Server.AcceptTcpClientAsync(Token);

if (JoinedClient != null)
return true;
return false;
this is how the client attempts to connect to the server. this result in a successful connection.
public static async Task<bool> JoinServer(string IpAddress)
Client = new TcpClient();

if (IPEndPoint.TryParse(IpAddress, out IPEndPoint Result))
Result.Port = Port;
await Client.ConnectAsync(Result);
return true;
Client = null;
return false;
public static async Task<bool> JoinServer(string IpAddress)
Client = new TcpClient();

if (IPEndPoint.TryParse(IpAddress, out IPEndPoint Result))
Result.Port = Port;
await Client.ConnectAsync(Result);
return true;
Client = null;
return false;
my pc is the server while my phone is the client. they're in the same network but i havent touched the firewall settings in my pc yet but i assume that wont cause this issue...
26 replies
Created by iskander on 8/7/2023 in #help
❔ ✅ (SOLVED) TcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync does not get cancelled
CancellationTokenSource cancel = new(400);

TcpClient JoinedClient = await Server.AcceptTcpClientAsync(cancel.Token);
CancellationTokenSource cancel = new(400);

TcpClient JoinedClient = await Server.AcceptTcpClientAsync(cancel.Token);
so i expect this code to accept any tcp clients and if a 400ms period pass it will cancel but for whatever reason AcceptTcpClientAsync keeps halting my execution! i could probably run my own wait timer and if the timer finishes then i will call TcpListener.Stop() but i can see how that workaround would cause issues for in the future. and one odd thing is when a tcp client successfully connects to the server the function doesnt finish execution oddly
16 replies