❔ Making charts in .net core mvc
I want to create a linechart showing daily income and expense transactions. I have created in my BLL layer a DailySummaryDto which holds the info that i want to show
I have also implemented a method do receive these properties
How do i display a line chart in view showing daily income and expense for the past week?
Which package to install to use charts?
5 replies
❔ Entity relationship Help
I am getting started on a project using .net mvc identity and I am kinda new at this
Here is how the relationship is between entities:
User inherits from Identity<int>
The user can create a category for a transaction
The user can make multiple transactions in the same category
The transaction is an expense or income
Transactions of different type cannot be under the same category
Now i am not sure what each class must have
Should user have ICollection<Category> or ublic ICollection<Transaction> as well?
What about Category
Should it have ICollection<Transaction> and User User as a foreign key?
What about Transaction
Should it have Category Category and User User as foreign keys?
I am unsure how to define the relationship between these 3 entities
7 replies
✅ Help me please
I am trying to do a project using identity. I am following n-layer mvc architecture, keeping the dal, bll and presentation layers separate connecting them with Startup classes. However the migration is not working. The project doesn't run either. Would anyone be willing to help? I can share my github.
23 replies