❔ Understanding the model-view-controller
"What do you mean with program C# with azure? I know azure has a version control is that what you meant? "
I think you're a bit confused here. For version control you use Git. You can use older version control systems like SVN or even Microsoft's I think it's TFS, not sure. But Git is the standard in the Industry.
Azure is Microsoft's cloud. You can use Azure DevOps to work in an Agile framework like Scrum. Create pipelines etc.
Azure also has a ton of services in there. It's basically program C# for cloud. Where your services and infrastructure are all in the cloud.
But I would leave that for later
84 replies
❔ CRUD in Postgresql
Take a look here https://sqlines.com/postgresql/npgsql_cs_result_sets
I don't know exactly but before I used Entity Framework for INSERT I'd use cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Like you have.
But to SELECT it was another command
cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT nome_cliente from tb_clientes;";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("nome_cliente", nome);
You have only this but I don't see where you are storing the values retreived from SELECT
Maybe I am not reading well your code.
Mas use a Entity Framework é melhor. E tem muito tutorial 🙂
12 replies
❔ Understanding the model-view-controller
It's hard to know your level of knowledge as I don't know your expertise or how many years of work you have.
But there's a lot more to learn in C# besides it's oop characteristics: classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism.
You can learn software design patterns. The link I sent before talks about them and there are free resources on internet to learn about it https://www.netsolutions.com/insights/software-design-pattern/
You can also have 1 month free trial in Azure and program C# with Azure
Program C# with different architectures. eg Microservices, containerize Microservices and use an orchestrator like Kubernetes.
Event Driven, CQRS, Message/Publisher with RabbitMQ, or Azure Service Bus, Unit Tests, Delegates, Asynchronous Programming Async/Await, Threads, Dependency Injection, good software practices like SOLID and many more ....
Sorry if you already know most of this. I'm just assuming.
84 replies
✅ Carriages with 10 car models with years. If a car is produced in or after 2020 to be printed out.
Create a class of Cars as already been said, with 2 properties the Brand and the Year. Instantiate a List of Cars and based on the Year of each car as condition print it.
43 replies
❔ Understanding the model-view-controller
I actually didn't see the code, but I imagine in the View when the user changes the first name, there is an event in ViewModel and Model that will be updated or do some action. I am not sure though. I never worked with MVVM, only with MVC, so my experience with it is scarce. Sorry
84 replies
❔ Understanding the model-view-controller
I found this repository in GitHub
Maybe it will help you
84 replies
❔ Understanding the model-view-controller
You've got here a nice explanation of the MVC, MVVM and MVP Architecture Patterns. In the Bottom of the page. In the beginning is about software patterns
84 replies