Circular Reference Error
If an API project has nuget references to Redis, IConfiguration and another class library has these nuget injected to it but also it references the main API Project so in the API Project Program.cs I can't reference the Class Library in DI
14 replies
Publish Profile Error
I have set <EnvironmentName>Development</EnvironmentName> and when published it has <environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Development" /> in web.config but when running the application.exe it has no environment configured so defaults back to Production. Console.WriteLine($"{environment} - {JsonSerializer.Serialize(redisOptions)}"); => - xxxx (No Environment name is there)
7 replies
✅ AWS Elasticache - Local Redis
I have an aws elasticache and I can connect to it via redis insight using ssh tunneling.
But I can't create one in cli for to use within my asp.net. In my case, I can create ssh tunnel
ssh -v -L [email protected] and it accepts my request and I can see it in debug but it can't hangs like no response forever
6 replies
Redis Timeout
using Stackexchange Redis results in timeout without proper exception message. I tried increasing timeouts and distributing load to other nodes and increased the thread count. It hits timeout on peak hours and the highest payload size is around 7 MB and its called frequently and Im gonna compress it but I want some opinion on how to check the real error and I can't access the redis directly to view SLOW LOGS
55 replies
.Net 8 Web Api Config
Deployed webapi in IIS. Previously using .net 4.5.* where changing config in application settings in UI and restarting for dynamic change. Now in .Net 8 using Environment.GetenvironmentVariable, on publishing generated web.config file but adding values doesn't reflect and added values to pool also none but when added to system level it works but it takes time to recognise. Tried ChatGPT and older relevant question here and none working can someone point me in the best direction? TIA
79 replies