Created by Anou212 on 7/14/2023 in #help
❔ need help with raytracer
I have written a code for a raytracer in c#. the code has no errors and im using the right algorithm, but when i run the program i only see a black screen. What do i need to add to my code to get the visual.
2 replies
Created by Anou212 on 6/24/2023 in #help
❔ I wrote a program that calculates the shortest path to move fridge to a certain place but its slow
I wrote a program that calculates the shortest path to move fridge to a certain place but the runtime is too long. This is the code:
13 replies
Created by Anou212 on 6/1/2023 in #help
❔ creating ray tracer in c#
Hi, i'm trying to create a Whitted-style ray tracer in c#, but im encountering some issues. Can someone take a look at my code and help me out.
5 replies