Created by shortdwarf on 6/26/2024 in #⛅|pods
Attempting to open a pod when an email is received.
I'm using to open a pod when emails are received by a certain account (open to solutions other than but its the service I went with). I am unsure of how to set up the API. Currently I have a http widget set up to make a request to runpod but I think I'm simply sending the wrong request. The way I have it set now is: Method: POST URL: Headers: Name: Authorization Value: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY Name: Content-Type Value: application/json Body Type: raw Body Content: { "query": "mutation { podFindAndDeployOnDemand(input: { gpuCount: 1, machineType: "NVIDIA-RTX3090", templateId: "first test" }) { id status } }" } Would love some help on this or alternative ways to achieve the same!
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