Amr Yasser
Amr Yasser
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 4/4/2024 in #workers-help
Durable object websocket connections
I want to access the currently connected websockets to a durable object from outside the object itself, is this possible?
1 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 4/1/2024 in #workers-help
Workers subrequests
Are workers subrequest "using fetch" limit allowed to be increased (paid plan) beyond the 1000 subrequests limit?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 3/29/2024 in #workers-help
Using durable object websockets from different namespace
assume I have a durable object class named A another one named B. If clients connect to A with websocket connections and I want to B to send something on the websocket connection in A. Is it possible to access A's websockets from B and send messages? Is it possible to store the reference to the socket in some shared store like KV? note: I do not want the client to be connected to A and B both in the same time.
1 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 3/11/2024 in #workers-help
Durable object outgoing webSocket connection
Assuming a durable object (say object A) that handles received websocket connections using the hibernation API. If object A is to create a websocket connection to another service ( for simplicity consider the other service is another worker with a different durable object class (say B ) that also handles received WebSockets by the hibernation API), Will the socket connection between A and B prevent A from hibernating? if it will not prevent A from hibernating, what happens to the connection between A and B on hibernation?
1 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 2/19/2024 in #workers-help
Durable Objects Transactional storage pricing
Quoted from the docs Requests that hit the Durable Objects in-memory cache or that use the multi-key versions of get()/put()/delete() methods are billed the same as if they were a normal, individual request for each key. Does this mean get([key1, key2]) (value 1 is 2KB and value2 is 2KB) is billed 2 Request units one for each key, or 1 request units for the total read data?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 12/21/2023 in #workers-help
Durable Objects query
Hello, do storage queries support nested keys? ex. storage looks like this:
messages: {
"mkey1": "....",
"mkey2": "....",
messages: {
"mkey1": "....",
"mkey2": "....",
is it possible to just get mkey1 without getting all messages?
3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 11/5/2023 in #general-help
Nextjs 14 with pages
Can I use server actions for my Next projects (i.e. Are server actions supported in Cloudflare Pages?) or I have to stick with route handlers?
6 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Amr Yasser on 11/3/2023 in #general-help
Cloudflare Calls
I am asking about the current development status of this product (if I am allowed to know), I am looking forward to using it.
7 replies