Jason Alexander
Jason Alexander
Created by Jason Alexander on 11/12/2023 in #help
Build looking for project as a package name.
This is a but strange, but I'm following build instructions for https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-identity-web/tree/master/tools/app-provisioning-tool#option-2-build-and-install-from-the-repository. The builds on all 3 projects seem to fail with the format error NU1101/NU1102: Unable to fins the package [project-name] like it's looking for the actual project like it's a package dependancy, I can't seem to find anything in the .csprojs that would cause that, initially discovered this error on an M1 Mac, then recreated it on a fresh install Debian machine and again on a Windows machine. Does anyone know if there's some piece of build configuration I'm possibly missing from my environment? Looking at the GH actions it looks like the latest commit to master (that I am using) doesn't have any build errors.
3 replies
Created by Jason Alexander on 11/2/2023 in #help
❔ OAuth2 behind a reverse proxy won't work without UseAuthentication.
I setup a default individual auth project using .NET 7 Razor pages, I then set it up to use Google sign in, testing this app as it is in https mode worked fine, I then set the redirect header middleware, ran it in http mode with the redirect header middleware set, it would fail when redirecting back to the app after successfully signing in with redirect_uri_mismatch, it does however work fine when UseAuthentication is set (this isn't set in the default auth project), I'm not too familiar with this middleware, does anyone know how might this be affecting it in such a way where it causes the auth to work as expected when running behind a reverse proxy? And why it wouldn't be needed when running direct. I have the project in a GH repo https://github.com/jasonalexander-ja/GoogleAuthProxy I followed the following guides for setting up the auth and redirect headers https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/social/google-logins?view=aspnetcore-7.0 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/proxy-load-balancer?view=aspnetcore-7.0
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