•Created by n4tho on 12/23/2024 in #community-help
Wifi not working?
I’m a new player and I recently installed valorant. It downloaded perfectly and launched fine but when I went to join a private match with my friend my game wouldn’t load. I thought it was my pc so I replaced my wifi with my phone hotspot and it worked. I was able to join the game? Don’t know if valorant doesn’t like my wifi or I need to adjust something for it to work. Please help. (P.s all my other games work fine and are able to run smoothly with my wifi)
10 replies
•Created by n4tho on 12/22/2024 in #community-help
Riot not working?
I recently got a pc and was mainly excited to play valorant as it’s not in my region for console (oce). I had correctly installed all games form the client and was ready to play. All of a sudden I’m stuck in a basic training screen and no gameplay sound or anything from the valorant game. I tried league of legends to see if it was just valorant but no it had a network error. I am right to my internet and it has been amazing for so long. I can’t play a riot game and I’ve tried everything like administrating to disallowing firewall and resetting all these things that I thought would help the issue of the riot games and the client. Please if anyone knows a fix it’ll be a life saver.
98 replies