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•Created by IDIR on 9/27/2023 in #support-community
Flutter and Convex ?
Is it possible to use convex with flutter ?
15 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by IDIR on 9/22/2023 in #questions
Breaking Dev Content Creation Scene
tldr : hacakthon with cross comunity between dev creators ? aka <content creator > the super seo of his own community bossing people around . and the community are the dev team
Lately Webdev Cody organized a hackathon and I had the pleasure of being a particiapnt in it .This gave me an idea
How cross-community hackathon?fellow dev content creators become the leaders of their community . But here's the twist: the entire community becomes the development team for your project.It could be treated like a hackathong , tournaent or just a content generation machine.
This might soundslike a management nightmare, but hear me out. It's not as daunting as it seems. Think of it as creating an open-source project, similar to something like Code Racers(Webdev cody). Plus, the number of projects to review won't be overwhelming since it's mainly content creators projects only.
Code streamers ,Reviewer or mock interviewers , would find this a natural fit for them I think.
And here's the beauty of it: it doesn't have to be large-scale or overly complex. It's about the content, unpredictability, and watching how things evolve and play out. It's the journey that matters
Each content creator would be like the super SEO of their community. And, if you ever get really invested, you can take a more hands-on approach.
Ultimately, it's about the journey and the experience. It doesn't have to lead to burnout. Creators like Ben Awad might love the competitive aspect of it. I'll suggest this idea to other creators and see where it goes.
Even if some creators can't participate, they could become judges or take on other roles.
I believe this could change the internet for developers in unexpected ways and could to some interesting evolution of the scene.
If you guys like this idea you can help by sharing it with other creators .Or if you have the ability to do so straight up suggest it to them / present them with this post ?
PS : I am just a normal dev . I am not a creator
1 replies
CCConvex Community
•Created by IDIR on 9/8/2023 in #support-community
delete many ? cascade delete ?
Does convex have support for filter delete as in regular sql ? or a cascade delete for forein keys ?
Do I have to query all of them first then delete one by one ? if that's the case is there a batch delete functionality ?
I initially had those relations in a single array field but decided to spread them into their own tables since I couldn't find anything on efficiently updating array fields . (my guess i that i would have to query it ,update it using custom action then replace the whole field ?).
Google doesn't help either whenever I try to lookup something it's gives some random stuff that has no relation to convex at all .
7 replies