Need help with dapper to prevent sql injection on database parameter!
Okay that worked but I feel like declaring the connection string for every end point like this bad practice?
Is there a way I can maybe put a parameter inside the appsettings.json somehow so i can do something like
21 replies
Need help with dapper to prevent sql injection on database parameter!
is this safer? does this prevent sql injection ? because we removed the problem while trying to use dapper to prevent sql injection but now it feels like we just moved the parameter to somewhere else without fixing the sql injection ?
21 replies
✅ Handling changing Keys after an insert
So you are saying:
1. Insert the highest workflows that have a parentKey of 0, save old and new Keys for these objects.
2. Insert the workflows that have one of the old Keys as parentKey. save old a new Keys of these objects.
Basiscly repeat this proces?
36 replies
✅ Handling changing Keys after an insert
yes i see what you mean. this works for the "highest" workflows(that have a parentKey of 0). then you can indeed update the children that have those highest workflows as a parent. but those children can be a parent themselfs.
36 replies