•Created by theDude2708 on 12/22/2024 in #community-help
Lagging Setup
All of my setup is wired, (Keyboard, Mouse, Headphones) this is not an issue itself but for some reason when i plug in one piece of my setup into the back of my PC that item will start lagging, or stop working entirely. My headphones will stop completely, my mouse will freeze, and my keyboard will lag. I have 2 ports on the top of my PC that work for all of them, no issues at all, but i need 3 things plugged in. These issues also really only happen when i enter a game like Valorant or one on steam too which I find bizarre. I think it is a USB port issue but I'm not entirely sure, and I have tried updating drivers but that didn't work but I am not really sure what else i can do. If someone could help that would be great. (They are not plugged into my GPU)
1 replies
•Created by theDude2708 on 9/5/2024 in #community-help
Mouse Issues
While I am playing Valorant my mouse has been stuttering and freezing. I will be aiming and moving with no issues but then occasionally I will move my mouse and get no feedback as if it were stuck in place making me die in stupid ways. This has happened in other games as well but not as bad as in Val. I've tried turning down my resolution and game quality, unplugging and re-plugging in my mouse, and updating my driver but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be wrong, and how i could possibly fix it?
4 replies