PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by on 11/30/2023 in #👾extension
Ant-design elements are affected by CSS on different websites, how do I fix this?
Hello everyone, I have implemented the drawer menu of ant-design on and However, it seems like the css of github has affected the "Some contents..." <p> element inside the drawer menu on github. The problem is fixed when I delete the <head> on From this, I understand that the css of github is affecting my shadowdom. How can I solve this? Please check out the video attached. Code source:
import { Button, Modal, App, Space } from "antd" import { useState } from "react" import ConfigProvider from "antd/es/config-provider" import type { ReactNode } from "react" import type { PlasmoGetShadowHostId } from "plasmo" import { StyleProvider } from "@ant-design/cssinjs" import { message, Popconfirm, Drawer } from 'antd'; export const getShadowHostId: PlasmoGetShadowHostId = () => plasmo-shadow-container export const ThemeProvider = ({ children = null as ReactNode }) => ( <ConfigProvider getPopupContainer={() => document.getElementById("plasmo-shadow-container")?.shadowRoot as any} > {children} </ConfigProvider> ) function PlasmoOverlay({ children }) { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); console.log('HEYY: ', document.getElementById("plasmo-shadow-container")?.shadowRoot) const showDrawer = () => { setOpen(true); }; const onClose = () => { setOpen(false); }; return ( <ThemeProvider> <StyleProvider container={document.getElementById("plasmo-shadow-container").shadowRoot}> <Button type="primary" onClick={showDrawer}> Open </Button> <Drawer mask={false} title="Basic Drawer" placement="right" onClose={onClose} open={open}> <p>Some contents...</p> <p>Some contents...</p> <p>Some contents...</p> </Drawer> </StyleProvider> {children} </ThemeProvider> ) } export default PlasmoOverlay
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