❔ problems with foreach loop
hello guys, I have a problem with getting the color of my textbox back because if I put it in a foreach loop some textbox in textBoxes list is not gonna have the same name and it activates the else if. I want it to only activate if none of the textboxes in the list have the same name as currentTextbox. I comented the line where the problem is. It will be red and instantly turn back to black (you can not see it but I debugged it, it does turn to red) because some textboxes have the same name and some don't, how do I make it only if all textboxes do not have the same name as currentTextbox
118 replies
Properties.Settings.Default is not working (saying that it does not exist in the current namespace )
So basically what I wanted to do is grab variables from .settings file in my app, but it does not work because it says Settings does not exist.
I am using dotnet core 7.
Is that because it does not exist in dotnet core?
Yea I know there is a workaround and I could do everything in a text file but I would prefer it this way.
7 replies