Trying to setup SQLite with EntityFramework (Discord Bot /w DSharpPlus)
This is how I start the service (According to what I found with the DSharpPlus documentation
I have never done anything like this, so I'm very lost. I tried following tutorials on the DSharpPlus documentation (Even their example bots), but it didn't help too much.
13 replies
✅ [AllowedValue] not doing anything
another thing i noticed for this, even if the attribute actually did something, this still wouldnt work as intended because the constructor only takes an array of objects and notes nothing about the last being an error message
so it could be rewritten as
19 replies
DataGrid Cell Selection / Row Color
can you give more context? (a bigger picture of the code)
because from what i see, the issue is that a
doesnt have a member called Cell
what is does have is Rows[x].Cells
because a DataGridView
contains rows and columns, you need to specify the row, then you can select the cell from that
so, maybe something like this?
8 replies
Winforms - cursor doesn't stay as "WaitCursor" in long running async method
try using a
to force the form to refresh things right after setting the cursor.
if i had to guess, its setting the cursor then going to the file without giving the form a chance to change.4 replies
✅ [AllowedValue] not doing anything
It would be nice if they put something like that in the documentation though.
19 replies