•Created by SeoulSKY on 1/30/2025 in #questions-issues
How to add an event listener to reacton.ipyvuetify.FileInput?
Yes, that is a bit tricker, that's why we build
Also, the solara filedrop is built on top of this idea. Does this help you?
4 replies
•Created by artursp. on 2/3/2025 in #questions-issues
go.Scatter selection randomly not triggering
I've turned it into a pycafe example:
And yes, it sometimes just dosn't work, and when it starts working, it continues to work for me.
I also had to use plotly < 6 for it to work. Newer plotly is using anywidget, maybe that implementation is more robust? Could you try if you can get that working?
6 replies
•Created by pnjun on 2/10/2025 in #questions-issues
multipage jupyter dashboard
Good question, and not super trivial to implement. I've hacked around a bit. I think this topic is better discussed at Github, do you want to open an issue there?
2 replies
•Created by Jovan on 1/26/2025 in #questions-issues
Solara server disconnect - settings
No, the discconnect happens because the server restarts, in general it should not happen. Does it happen in your case?
I think you are talking about right?
Althoug it is possible to override the template (see e.g. )
this might break future versions.
But you could consider copy-pasting our jinja template and modifying it to your needs.
5 replies
Problem with fontawesome
What about using solara.server.settings.assets.fontawesome_path = "/@fortawesome/[email protected]/css/all.min.css" ?
11 replies
•Created by guillaume buffry on 1/9/2025 in #questions-issues
combining custom routes and custom layout
You almost had it 🙂
I turned it into a nice example: on PyCafe
2 replies
•Created by Ahmed Moubtahij on 1/1/2025 in #questions-issues
Clearing a component
Yeah, it will clear up if you do not display it, so using a boolean is the right idea! Hope that helps
4 replies
•Created by Jovan on 12/29/2024 in #questions-issues
Vue plugins & packages with solara should answer most of your questions, if not, please comment on that PR
4 replies