VIG | Podnikatel33
VIG | Podnikatel33
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by VIG | Podnikatel33 on 9/27/2023 in #front-end
Animate on scroll
Hello, could you guys help please? I’m having trouble animating my h1’s on scroll, everything seems to work fine when I animate it with pure css, unless I use phone browsers. Then I tried AOS GitHub library. And there seems to be problem with putting it on h1 I also tried to put h1 in a div, doesn’t seem to work right as well. Could you maybe advise me a solid way to animate my web-pages?
8 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by VIG | Podnikatel33 on 9/21/2023 in #front-end
JS not selecting my element
Hello, I was trying to copy a design I found. It’s a “scroll to top” button. But the problem is it doesn’t work. I will provide code and some details. I haven’t found any answers on internet. HTML <div class=“to-top”></div> CSS .to-top { Position:fixed Width: 2rem Height:2rem Bottom:5% Left:% Opacity:0 Transition: all .4s Cursor:none Background: url Background-size: cover } { Opacity:1 Bottom:5% Cursor: pointer } JS Const toTop = document.querySelect(“.to-top”); toTop.addEventListener(“scroll”, () => { If(window.scrollY > 100) { toTop.classList.add(“show”); } else { toTop.classList.remove(“show”); } ) Sorry for indentation and semicolons in css a wrote it all on phone and from memory. So please be patient with me. But I can’t sleep I need answers 😆. Also I used ID of an element so if you click it goes to top already. But the problem is that the button never shows up. I want it to show up latter. So that’s why “scrollY > 100” Also I’m using parallax effect on the page so its in wrapper which is set to width 100vh. Could that be a problem? That the pageYOffset or scrollY is not taking in any value? Also 2. It doesn’t show any JS event when I inspect the element with Mozilla web tools Can anyone help? 🙏🏼 thank you
70 replies