Explore posts from serversTTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by <DxD/> on 10/6/2024 in #questions
Zustand question in next js
i have this code
and so, here i can add task and drag and drop, but if i delete and still works the same, why ?
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by <DxD/> on 9/16/2024 in #questions
based on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14B85quRQhw at min 26:02
if you return from your context :
and from this context i use just what ii need... is a good Approach ?
yes, i have like :
Still does to many re-renders or solve the problem that is in video ?
2 replies
Need help how to send headers in trpc
project is setup with express on 2 parts,cleint and server
i have this pice of cod in client side here i send a small obj(email,password,confirm password) to create an user ,, this is my context and my middleware
17 replies
Can set cookie with trpc?
I tried to create a full authentication system in trpc using jwt and refresh token
I find that is not quite okay to create authentication with trpc
Can you suggest me a better way how I can achieve authentication in trpc project ?
43 replies
How can i modify my URL using TRPC
I did a simple pagination in react and trpc(a simple table), only problem is that: i want in my url to show page and limit whenever i modify it(like this
How can i do this ?
5 replies
Is there a way I can automatically export my API types from the backend to the frontend? For example, after I modify my backend (e.g., create a new route), do I need to run something like 'trpc-api-export,' and will everything generated in my 'dist' folder be copied and placed in the 'api/api-types' folder on the frontend? Is there an automated way to do this?
8 replies